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Skills to recover what is human

Get ready to rediscover yourself and take control of your personal development and challenge the limits of a human being in constant evolution. Join this adventure towards a better world.

Joan Cwaik leads you to discover post-technological skills that are fundamental to navigate this ever changing digital world. Understanding holistic intelligence and fostering a global vision, achieving greater well-being, questioning and recomposing our relationship with technology and seeking a future where coexistence between humanity and technology is possible.

This book will help you to enhance your skills and surf the digital tsunami that crosses us as humanity.

Learn more about Post-Tech: Skills to Recover What Is Human

Read the introduction


Joan Cwaik (1990) is a prominent author in the emerging technologies field, with more than a decade of experience.

He has given over 400 conferences in more than 18 countries and holds an MBA from the IAE Business School of the Austral University, as well as academic degrees from UADE, UBA, and UdeSA. Recognized by Argentine media as an authorized voice regarding technology and society, he is Marketing Manager for Latin America at Maytronics and a passionate collector of Pokémon and Magic: The Gathering cards.

His innovative and disruptive profile has earned him recognition from Forbes Argentina, INJUVE, OIJ, LLYC, among others. A frequent columnist for Diario Perfil, Cwaik is an active participant in outreach events such as TEDx and a contributor to La Nación, Infobae, and CNN, among others.

Post-tech marks his third editorial venture, consolidating his role as a technology referent in the region.

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Walter Sosa Escudero. PhD in Economics (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign), B.A. in Economics (UBA). Specialist in statistics and theoretical and applied econometrics to social issues. Tenured Professor at Universidad de San Andrés.

"Joan talks about the future as a friend returning from a vacation in London. His approach is candid, insightful and wise. What stands out most, however, is his generosity. Because while in the future, he remembers those of us living in the present, and writes a book that inspires us to move forward without fear."

Fabricio Ballarini. Degree in Biological Sciences from UBA, PhD from the School of Medicine, UBA. Director of the Department of Life Sciences at ITBA.

"I met Joan many years ago and from the moment I saw him on stage I knew that his passion for understanding the complexity and above all for communicating it in a simple and enjoyable way was going to generate one of the best trained professionals in the field. Here's to more books and more technological disclosure. "

Santiago Siri, founder of Democracy Earth.

“It is a book that challenges us to be better, to be more curious, to be braver. At this time when the future seems more uncertain than ever, Joan's words offer us a compass and a beacon of light. They show us that, although we cannot foresee the future with certainty, we can prepare for it. This book is an invitation. An invitation to explore, to question and to imagine. To accept uncertainty and embrace possibility. To build, together, the future we want.”

Nicolás Fernandez Miranda. Author of “Hackea tu cerebro” (LEA/Usina del Conocimiento. 2023) and Science Divulgator.

"In our era, the coexistence of advanced technology and human well-being is a crucial issue, and Joan addresses this challenge with impressive clarity and depth. His insights on digital well-being open up new paths of thought and action, both for specialists and for those of us who are constantly learning."

Mateo Salvatto. Founder of Asteroid Technologies.

"Joan, besides being an excellent professional, is a great scholar of our reality. In each of his books we can, through his words, find a lighthouse that guides us in a turbulent world clouded with stimuli like the one we live in. Joan's every production is a call to reflection and analysis. I wouldn't miss it for anything in the world."

Augusto Salvatto. Author and International Political Scientist.

"Joan finds in this book a fresh concept to remain optimistic about the future of humanity. And it leaves the ball on our court."

Fredi Vivas. Systems Engineer. Founder of RockingData. Author of the books “Invisible” (Penguin Random House, 2023) and “How do machines think?” (Galerna, 2021).

"I am lucky to be friends with Joan and to have shared many conversations. But I remember one in particular, where he told me the gene of the idea of this book. I was surprised, I found it fresh and necessary not only for any professional who wants to keep up to date, but for anyone who wants to develop in every area of their life. This material should be mandatory reading for any high school student! Thank you Joan for bringing us in such a simple and profound way all these topics with your unique vision!"

 Franco Pellegrini. Designer, MBA and PhD in Communication. Director of Product Design at Mercado Libre. Author of “El Diseño Del Mundo” (2022) and “Modo Diseño” (2024).

“I had the privilege of witnessing Joan Cwaik's personal and professional growth. Post-tech is a testament to his intellectual evolution and deep human sensibility. In addition to his expert knowledge of technology and culture, Joan is a human being with a great ability to connect with people. His warmth and willingness to listen make him an irreplaceable friend and travel companion. In Post-Tech, Joan invites us to reflect about the future of humanity, but also reminds us of the importance of human connection, empathy and compassion. It is a book that invites us to grow together, as individuals and as a society."

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